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Week 11 - Games - Hoops! & Save the Village!

Writer's picture: CHLACHLA

Updated: Dec 5, 2019


VR Basketball Game That Motivate Kids To Do Breathing Exercises

This VR basketball game is a fun and easy way to improve breathing. By playing this game the kids will be conditioned to make their exhalations longer, resulting in slower, deeper, and more efficient breathing. This is especially recommended for people with breathing-related (cystic fibrosis, asthma, emphysema, COPD) disorders.

The kids play the basketball game through the process of breathing. The kid inhales to get the basketball towards them. When they hold their breath, the ball starts to dribble. The kid then exhales to basket the ball in the basket.

The game is designed in such a way that for each level the kid has to inhale and exhale for the minimum required time for the ball to come closer to them as well as for the correct basket of the ball. This makes sure that the kid breaths for the required amount of time to basket the ball.

There are three levels in the game with each subsequent level requiring more breathing time.

Save the Village!

This week our task is to finalize the game and work on sound, laser pointer, game statistics and start and end scenes.

We added sounds for each action the player makes. We put sound for inhale, exhale, dragon blowing fire, successful cycle and unsuccessful cycle.

We worked on the game statistics, made a laser pointer using Line Renderer which help us to choose an option on the start page.

The game is in such a way that player has the option for choosing the number of cycles and duration of each breath cycle. The game is for checking two types of breathing: normal and heavy breathing. For normal breathing: player can choose for 1-2 seconds. For heavy breathing: player can choose for 3-5 seconds.

It was fun and a great experience building these games. We learnt a lot of things and hope these games help the children suffering with Cystic Fibrosis.

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