After the POC for the basketball game, integrating with the spirometer was this week's challenge.
Integration was a big challenge because now the movement of the basketball was dependent on the inhalation intensity (value) as well as the time duration.
This week, we as the computer science major students realized how important pseudo-coding can be. After putting in multiple hours trying to figure out the issue in our code, we decided to go back to the basics, scratch the existing code and start writing on a whiteboard first.
So we sat, talked through each and every possible case and corner case involved and wrote a pseudo-code on a whiteboard.
Translating that pseudo-code into the C# code was easy, and now was the time, to test our new code. We crossed our fingers and to our surprise, the code worked!
It was a miracle. We were able to move the basketball towards us through inhalation, dribble it through holding our breath, and aim it towards the basket through exhalation.
We were also able to take care of cases when the inhalation or exhalation wasn't sufficient. This helped us simulate the real-world experience of throwing the ball with a certain power to basket it.
Next week we plan to add the progress bar, score board, sounds, and other features to our game.
Save the Village!
After the last week’s POC, our next goal was to integrate spirometer with the game. It took some time.
There are camps on fire in a village, the child’s goal is to extinguish it. There is a pond in the village.
When the child inhales the water goes to the child and on exhaling the water gets sprayed. If inhaling is not for a particular duration of time, the game restarts and again the child has to inhale.
When the child exhales, the water is sprayed and if the exhaling is not proper, the game restarts. The child has to start the cycle again.
To get to this mechanism, we made two prototypes, one for breathing in terms of intensity and second prototype according to time. We finally decided to move forward with time.
We also had a challenge to light the camps on fire with a dragon. To move the dragon seamlessly was a challenge.
In the next week, we plan to make a reward system, add confetti, laser pointer for oculus etc.