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Week 6 - Village and Christmas Scene

Writer's picture: CHLACHLA

We created two different themed games namely Village and Christmas.

A. Village

For the first part of the game, following tasks are performed:

1. Inhale: wood logs rise to a certain height

2. Pause: wood logs move above the fire

3. Exhale: wood logs falls into the fire and fire becomes intense

Once the first part is performed successfully, fireworks are visible in the sky.

For the second part of the game, following tasks are performed:

1. Inhale: Hay moves one step closer to cow

2. Pause: Hay moves more closer to cow

3. Exhale: Hay comes in front of cow and cow starts grazing

After the end of the scene, fireworks are visible again in the sky.

B. Christmas

There are 3 boxes which are jumping are kept in the middle of a room. Each cycle of breathing includes following tasks:

Inhale: Box opens

Exhale: Gifts in the box pop up

The above process must be done for all the three boxes. Once all boxes are opened, confetti appear.


Finding low poly assets so that oculus Go does not create jitter.

There was aliasing effect towards boundaries of assets so we used anti-aliasing filters to avoid it. To reduce the aliasing effect, we made Assets (walls etc) static.

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